Friday, October 31, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
It's A Beautiful Day.....
Sunday, October 26, 2008
I Think God Is Trying To Tell Me Something...
I Think Not...
Obama Faults Bankers....Then Takes Their Money....
Obama Faults Bankers' `Greed and Irresponsibility,' Takes Cash
By Jonathan D. Salant
Oct. 21 (Bloomberg) -- Barack Obama relies on the Internet to bring in millions of small-dollar donors. For heftier-size contributions, he counts on hundreds of fundraisers, many with ties to the financial firms he decries on the campaign trail.
Even as he condemns special interests and refuses money from lobbyists, Obama has followed a fundraising model created by President George W. Bush, enlisting 561 people to ``bundle'' donations from friends, family and co-workers.
The fundraisers -- who have brought in more than $76 million to his presidential campaign -- include 35 executives and members of law firms that lobby for companies at the center of the nation's financial crisis, from Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. and American International Group Inc. to Fannie Mae.
``It would be naive for any of us to think that these same people don't want something specific out of an Obama administration,'' said Craig Holman, a lobbyist for Public Citizen, a Washington-based advocacy group, referring to the corporate executives bundling for the candidate.
The Illinois Democrat's campaign has raised around half its record $605 million in chunks of $200 or less and touts its 3.1 million donors, a grassroots campaign that far surpasses any other in U.S. presidential-election history.
Still, 47 individuals have raised at least $500,000 each for Obama. They are able to tap networks to get hundreds of people to give up to the maximum $2,300 contribution to a candidate and as such become invaluable to campaigns raising money.
McCain's Bundlers
His Republican opponent, Arizona Senator John McCain, has also counted on bundlers to help fund his campaign, and they've accounted for a far greater percentage of the money he has raised. Unlike Obama, McCain, 72, is taking public money for the general election, so is no longer raising campaign funds, though bundlers are still collecting money for the Republican National Committee.
McCain has 538 bundlers who raised at least $77.8 million for him until he got his party's nomination last month.
Ben LaBolt, an Obama campaign spokesman, said the Democrat hasn't accepted any money from registered federal lobbyists or political action committees, unlike McCain.
``John McCain has raised $2.26 million from Washington lobbyists and PACs during this campaign, while Barack Obama hasn't accepted a dime,'' LaBolt said. He said Obama and fellow Senator Russell Feingold, a Wisconsin Democrat, led the fight for the 2007 ethics law that required lobbyists to disclose who they're bundling money for. The Federal Election Commission is drafting the disclosure rules.
Lawyers and Bankers
Members of the securities and investment industry make up Obama's second-biggest group of bundlers, 56, behind only the 80 lawyers who have raised funds, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, a Washington-based research group.
Even so, Obama, 47, has laid much of the blame for the nation's credit crunch on investment banks, condemning the ``greed and irresponsibility on Wall Street that got us into this mess'' in an Oct. 9 speech in Dayton, Ohio.
His biggest source of campaign cash are the employees of Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and their families, who contributed $739,521 through Aug. 31. Goldman Sachs changed to a bank holding company last month, giving it access to deposits, while increasing federal regulation.
UBS Connection
Employees of UBS AG and their families were Obama's ninth- biggest source of money, giving $419,550. UBS Americas Chairman Robert Wolf has raised more than $500,000 for Obama and has met with the candidate on the financial crisis. The Swiss company, which has suffered the biggest losses of any European bank from the global credit crisis, is getting a $59.2 billion aid infusion from Switzerland's government.
Three of Obama's fundraisers work for firms registered to lobby for AIG: Peter Bynoe of DLA Piper, David Jacobson of Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal LLP, and Edward Lazarus of Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP, according to House disclosure records and Public Citizen.
The federal government took control of New York-based AIG last month in exchange for an $85 billion loan to prevent the bankruptcy of the nation's biggest insurer. The company said yesterday it would suspend its lobbying activities.
The government also took over mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and took those companies out of the lobbying business last month.
James Johnson
One of Obama's fundraisers is former Fannie Mae Chairman James Johnson, who brought in between $200,000 and $500,000 for the campaign. Johnson left Obama's vice presidential search committee on June 11 after just a week, following reports that he received preferential mortgage rates from Countrywide Financial Corp., which suffered losses due to the collapse of the subprime-mortgage market and was bought by Bank of America Corp.
McCain's campaign also has ties to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Several lobbyists for the companies are among his top fundraisers, including Kirk Blalock and Wayne Berman, who each raised more than $500,000; former U.S. Senator Alfonse D'Amato of New York, who brought in between $250,000 and $500,000; and Richard Hohlt, who raised at least $100,000. A Freddie Mac board member, Geoffrey Boisi, raised at least $100,000 for McCain.
``Now, all the benefit is going to the candidate,'' said Sheila Krumholz, executive director of the Center for Responsive Politics. ``Once the next administration and Congress are in place, that's payback time.''
Don't Throw Away Your VOTE...
He may not have the same view as me... but that's the POINT....
Don't throw away your vote by going with McCain or Obama
What a Waste
I have many Republican friends who are disgusted that I'm voting third party this election year. They believe stopping Barack Obama from becoming president outweighs all else. Meanwhile, I have many Democrat friends who are equally disgusted; for them, seeing John McCain defeated is more important than who wins. They are all wasting their votes.
Imagine a reckless teenager who constantly runs up his parents' credit cards, smashes the family car every Friday night, is failing in school, and has serious drinking and drug problems. Now imagine that no matter how reckless and dangerous that teenager became, his parents believed his behavior was worth tolerating simply because he was "their" kid. No reasonable person would consider this good parenting.
And yet this is exactly how otherwise reasonable people vote.
No matter how bad the Republican or Democrat nominee for president is, the party faithful support their own without fail. The message to politicians? They may lie, ignore their party's platform, and betray every supposed principle, but they will never be held accountable by most voters. Like the reckless teenager, there is simply no reason for them to stop their irresponsible behavior.
The greatest power the people have is their vote, and in supporting the lesser of two evils each election, voters ensure eternal evil.
Voting third party is as practical as it is principled. Sarah Palin was chosen as McCain's running mate for a number of reasons, one of which was to appeal to independent voters in closely-contested swing states who might support Libertarian presidential candidate Bob Barr.
Reports The Washington Times, "As with every presidential election, the independent and Libertarian voters can make or break a mainstream candidate because they represent 41 percent of the electorate. Right after the Republican convention, John McCain showed a 12 percent jump in support among independent voters, according to a Gallup poll. The increase was due in part to Mrs. Palin."
Conservatives had little good to say about John McCain before he became the GOP nominee, but now they are prepared to vote for a pro-amnesty, liberal Republican, who recently was not only complicit in passing the greatest wealth distribution package in American history, but who also counts liberals Ted Kennedy, Joe Lieberman, and Russ Feingold amongst his greatest political allies. Is it really worth rewarding such a Republican in order to stop Obama?
This year, I will be voting for Constitution Party candidate Chuck Baldwin. "Chuck who?" you ask. Exactly.
There is no perfect candidate, and in fact I only have two litmus tests that any candidate must pass in order to win my vote; he must be committed to a traditional foreign policy, with the first order of business being to bring our troops home from Iraq, and he must be serious about stopping illegal immigration. There are other issues that concern me, but these two promise to do the most damage to the United States, as war and open borders are inextricably linked to America's most pertinent economic, cultural, and security issues.
Chuck Baldwin could be an alcoholic, an atheist, or an asshole, and he would still receive my vote, because he's right on foreign policy and illegal immigration. Luckily, he's a conservative Christian who I agree with on most issues, and was even endorsed by Ron Paul, who I supported for the Republican nomination. If Baldwin was not running, I would be voting for Ralph Nader, who as a liberal, still passes my two litmus tests. So does Bob Barr.
Once you've decided to vote third party, it only makes sense to support the candidate you feel most comfortable with, conservative, liberal, or otherwise.
Neither Obama nor McCain pass either of my litmus tests, and the Republican nominee is arguably even worse than his Democratic opponent. As Libertarian Justin Raimondo aptly put it, the only thing Obama promises to change concerning our current foreign policy is the battlefield. McCain wants to send more troops to both Iraq and Afghanistan, and if he and his neoconservative advisers get their way, possibly Iran and Georgia. And whereas Obama merely supports amnesty, McCain — along with Ted Kennedy — actually sponsored the bill.
It has been said that if you don't vote, you can't complain. If you always vote for the status quo, you really have no business complaining about it. And if politics-as-usual is something you're entirely comfortable with, then by all means vote for Obama or McCain.
However, I know very few people who admit to being comfortable with the status quo. And even fewer willing to do anything about it.
Friday, October 24, 2008
"This took 15 years?"....
Back in the day, a local radio station that I used to listen to (I won't mention which one, but i will say it was a Boston Area hard rock station) premiered this song on a little thing they call "Love it, or Shove it"... For those of you that may not be familiar with it: The DJ takes a new song the station is thinking of adding to the playlist, plays it and takes phone calls from listeners... the callers say "LOVE IT!" or "SHOVE IT"... Based on the response they get they either keep the song in rotation, or discard the song... Seems kinda stupid. I almost can never really tell if I like a song or not after only hearing it once. But, hey.. maybe that's just me...
Anyway.. to make a long story short... The song mentioned above? You know.. The one they play at every major sporting event to get the crowd fired up?... It got SHOVED... The overwhelming response to the track was negative the first time people heard it...
Fast Forward 20 years...
The song "Chinese Democracy" was released to radio this week. The response has been mixed.
Is it the BEST song? No. But is it "Oh My God" from the END OF DAYS soundtrack? Absolutely not. Maybe I'm spending way too much time worrying about the opinions of people that request fucking Nickelback, Disturbed, Seether, 3 Doors Down and Buckcherry (who are, at best, a wannabe Guns N'Roses/ACDC tribute band) This is a DAMN good rock song... But, as predicted by many, it isn't given a fair shake because of the drama surrounding it. The DJ's aren't helping matters. Can I once fucking hear a mention of this song/album without some meelie mouthed ClearChannel Employee piss and moan about how much of a long/expensive journey it's been? How about banning the word "Slash" or "Duff"? Because, from what I can tell, the only song they ever play penned by those genius', without W. Axl Rose, in two albums worth of material, is "Fall To Pieces"
So, of course, when they ask for listener reaction, people call in and say: "THAT took 15 years?"
..."Axl sucks without Slash and Duff!" etc.
Why do DJ's not mention that it's very common for big name/established artists to take an unusually long time between albums?
1. ACDC...
When did their last record come out?.. 8 years ago? Does the new one sound exactly like every other record they've made since "Back In Black"?
2. Metallica....
When did their last record come out?.. 5 years ago? Was it good? How about the one before that?
Come to think of it... When was the last time (before Death Magnetic, which is excellent) Metallica put out a very good record? Of Original Material? 1991?
I think my point has been made...
I mean.. fuck... You don't think maybe, just maybe ClearChannel is still a little pissed about the 2002 Guns N' Roses Tour they were promoting?
You remember, the one that had a couple of Axl Noshows and maybe a couple of riots?
The one they pulled the plug on?
Open your ears. Shut your mouths about irrelevant shit. This is only the beginning.
And you have to admit...
It kicks the SHIT outta Velvet Revolver.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
The Official Announcement....

“The release of Chinese Democracy marks a historic moment in rock n’ roll,” said co-managers Irving Azoff and Andy Gould. “We’re launching with a monumental campaign developed by Gary Arnold and the Best Buy team that matches the groundbreaking sound of the album itself. Guns N’ Roses fans have every reason to celebrate, for this is only the beginning.”
“Chinese Democracy is one of the most highly anticipated albums in music history, and Best Buy is thrilled to deliver this explosive and previously elusive release to Guns N’ Roses fans. Longtime fans will be rewarded for their patience and loyalty to this great band, while a new generation of fans will be blown away,” said Gary Arnold, Senior Entertainment Officer for Best Buy. “Axl Rose is one of the most dynamic and gifted writers and performers in modern music. Best Buy is excited to work with Axl to make the release of Chinese Democracy THE musical event of 2008!”
“Guns N’ Roses is THE premier American rock band,” commented Steve Berman, President, Sales and Marketing, Interscope Geffen A&M Records. “Partnering with Gary and everyone at Best Buy to release one of rock’s most anticipated and legendary albums is truly a moment in music history. We’re thrilled to be able to announce that Chinese Democracy is coming, it’s coming this year, and it’s coming to Best Buy.”
Produced by Axl Rose and Caram Costanzo, the album, which will be released on Black Frog/Geffen Records, includes 14 tracks. “Shackler’s Revenge” debuted September 14 through the Rock Band 2 videogame and “If The World” can be heard in the film Body Of Lies, which premiered on October 11.
Chinese Democracy is being released in three formats: CD, Vinyl LP (with a free digital download of the tracks), and as a digital album. Pre-orders at begin today.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Chinese Democracy Starts NOW...
The title track from Guns N' Roses' new album, "Chinese Democracy," will be available to download by U.S. radio outlets at 5 a.m. ET tomorrow morning (Oct. 22). Although some album tracks leaked this summer, this is the first authorized new music from the group in nine years.As previously reported, "Chinese Democracy" the album is due Nov. 23 exclusively via Best Buy. The 14-track set includes only three songs that have not either been performed live or leaked online in recent years.Guns N' Roses was last on Billboard's Mainstream Rock chart in 1999 with "Oh My God," its contribution to the "End of Days" soundtrack. The song peaked at No. 26. Prior to that, it hadn't appeared on the tally since 1994, when its cover of "Sympathy for the Devil" from the "Interview With a Vampire" soundtrack reached No. 10.
I am sooo goddamn giddy right now...
The Elephant In The Room....
Monday, October 20, 2008
Bow Down. Sell Your Soul To Me....
Metallica.. Battery
And One For You Big Cat
Fuck The Rays....
Go Celtics...
That is all.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
"...For The Land Of The Free..."
Temporary rule by military authorities, imposed on a civilian population especially in time of war or when civil authority has broken down.
The law imposed on an occupied territory by occupying military forces.
Part 1
Part 2
Follow-Up To "Rise Up..."
Papi Just Hit The SHIT Outta That Ball.....
Friday, October 17, 2008
Howard Stern and The Persistance of Jesse Ventura....How Can You Go Wrong?
Manny's Playing Golf Today....
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
The Day That Never Comes....
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Rise Up....
Repost this video wherever possible NOW!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Zeitgeist Addendum....
*****This film is about two hours long... but it is 2 hours well fucking spent*****
Friday, October 3, 2008
"Can I Call You Joe?"
Always Remember (Part Deux)
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
....Are You Even Fucking Kidding Me Right Now?
Closer than you think...
If You're Looting The Treasury.....">George Washington's Blog
If the government is looting the treasury to the tune of of $700 billion plus, give the American people the money, not the con artists who got us into trouble in the first place.We'll use the money to pay off our mortgages, credit card and other debt, and to stabilize the economy.Instead of the peanuts the government gave us in the "stimulus package", this would have a real benefit, and would largely solve American's economic problems.
Say it Congress, phone it into talk shows, put it in emails and bumper stickers and freeway blogs:
"If You're Looting the Treasury, Give it To US"
The last official act of any government is to loot the treasury. If their looting the treasury, give it to the people.
As a reader named Ron puts it, distributing money to the taxpayers instead of the fat cats has many benefits:
"Pay off your mortgage - housing crisis solved.Repay college loans - what a great boost to new gradsPut away money for college - it’ll be thereSave in a bank - create money to loan to entrepreneurs.Buy a new car - create jobsInvest in the market - capital drives growth"Bottom line: If the loot is given to the financial elite, it will probably be the last official act of the government. But if it is distributed to the American people, it could create a true and sustainable economic recovery.