Monday, August 31, 2009

Phil Anselmo Goes To College...

...Talks Smack

this is a phenomenal interview with Phil

..ripped from decibel


Blabbermouth recently posted seven parts of a one-hour video interview with a gum-chomping Phil Anselmo at Loyola University in New Orleans, where talked about his past heroin addiction in extremely frank terms. This is no after-school special-type sentimental bullshit. Anselmo squirms in his seat, literally and figuratively, recounting his dope-fueled glory days, calls out his mother (who is in the audience), and describes shooting up a friend who subsequently went stiff and almost died. Says Anselmo, “I've toured with hundreds of bands; I've seen hundreds of addictions. Pantera... Still... Still... Don't you even imagine this ain't true, and if you do, you'd better wake up and apologize—we were the hardest-drinking band on the planet. Hands down. And I'll tell you what: If Dimebag were alive today, he'd be in some severe medical difficulty, because Rex [Brown], the bass player—my bass player—drank himself so stupid, he's got pancreatitis now. He's 42 years old. 42 years old and pancreatitis.... You know what that means? That means if he takes a sip of a wine cooler, he has no idea if it's going to kill him or not. Kill him.” Part one, plus links to the other six, after the jump.

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7 (right around the two-minute mark, Anselmo picks apart what is wrong with today's bands, and goddamn if he didn't hit the nail on the head.)

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