....from media monarchy
lip service wins obama nobel peace prize despite wars abroad
now obama has even more in common with henry kissinger...
and it's worth noting that the nobel prize is named after someone who liked to blow things up...
from russia today: Barack Obama is the surprise winner of the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize. The Committee praised what it called his "extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy". The American president, in power just 9 months, was chosen over the 204 other people on this year's record length shortlist.
after nobel nod, obama convenes afghan war council* well, nobel was inventor of dynamite, after all*
nobel seen as reward for not being bush*
warmonger wins peace prize*
critics smell politics in decision to honor obama*
video: obama accepts award 'as a call to action'*
obama deserves an oscar, but not a nobel peace prize*
bought & paid for*
truth is fiction: peace prize fits obama like a velvet glove*
obama wins nobel peace prize! hell freezes over!*
video: why give peace prize to man at helm of conflicts?*
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Afghanistan is our new Vietnam
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