Thursday, December 23, 2010

A Sneak Peek ....

.. of a track off of Dave Emeney's forthcoming album The Great American Failure.
Spread The Fucking Word.
This record is going to be a MONSTER...

Monday, December 20, 2010

Call the FCC TODAY (1-888-CALL FCC) ... To Defeat Tomorrow, Tuesday, December 21st's Vote to Destroy Net Neutrality.....

 The FCC will vote tomorrow morning between 10:30 and 12:30 Eastern time on a proposed rule written by FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski which would gut the Internet. It would allow the big carriers to create different tiers of mobile Web access and speed depending on how much you pay, allow them to block what you can access on the web, and would destroy net neutrality.
Given that more and more of the web is being accessed via mobile devices, Senator Al Franken calls this "the most important free speech issue of our time".
As Franken points out:
Mobile networks like AT&T and Verizon Wireless would be able to shut off your access to content or applications for any reason. For instance, Verizon could prevent you from accessing Google Maps on your phone, forcing you to use their own mapping program, Verizon Navigator, even if it costs money to use and isn't nearly as good. Or a mobile provider with a political agenda could prevent you from downloading an app that connects you with the Obama campaign (or, for that matter, a Tea Party group in your area).
It gets worse. The FCC has never before explicitly allowed discrimination on the Internet -- but the draft Order takes a step backwards, merely stating that so-called "paid prioritization" (the creation of a "fast lane" for big corporations who can afford to pay for it) is cause for concern.
It sure is -- but that's exactly why the FCC should ban it. Instead, the draft Order would have the effect of actually relaxing restrictions on this kind of discrimination.
What's more, even the protections that are established in the draft Order would be weak because it defines "broadband Internet access service" too narrowly, making it easy for powerful corporations to get around the rules.
Call the FCC today and demand the rejection of Chairman Genachowski's proposed rule, and the adoption instead of true net neutrality rules for both the mobile and plug-in Internet.
You can try the main number (1-888-CALL FCC), or here are the Commissioner's individual phone numbers:
  • Julius Genachowski (202) 418-1000
  • Michael Copps (202) 418-2000
  • Robert M. McDowell (202) 418-2200
  • Mignon Clyburn (202) 418-2100
  • Meredith Attwell Baker (202) 418-2400
Better yet, fax a letter to the FCC at 1-866-418-0232.
Credo Action also has a free fax campaign. Click here to send a fax to FCC Commissioner Michael Copps to support his efforts to defeat Chairman Genachowski's proposed rule.

Washington's Blog

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Droppin' KNOWLEDGE...

... The Valedictorian of a little High School in rural NY lays waste to the public school system.

The Words:

Here I Stand
Erica Goldson

There is a story of a young, but earnest Zen student who approached his teacher, and asked the Master, "If I work very hard and diligently, how long will it take for me to find Zen? The Master thought about this, then replied, "Ten years . ." 
The student then said, "But what if I work very, very hard and really apply myself to learn fast -- How long then?" Replied the Master, "Well, twenty years." "But, if I really, really work at it, how long then?" asked the student. "Thirty years," replied the Master. "But, I do not understand," said the disappointed student. "At each time that I say I will work harder, you say it will take me longer. Why do you say that?" 
Replied the Master, "When you have one eye on the goal, you only have one eye on the path."
This is the dilemma I've faced within the American education system. We are so focused on a goal, whether it be passing a test, or graduating as first in the class. However, in this way, we do not really learn. We do whatever it takes to achieve our original objective.
Some of you may be thinking, “Well, if you pass a test, or become valedictorian, didn't you learn something? Well, yes, you learned something, but not all that you could have. Perhaps, you only learned how to memorize names, places, and dates to later on forget in order to clear your mind for the next test. School is not all that it can be. Right now, it is a place for most people to determine that their goal is to get out as soon as possible.
I am now accomplishing that goal. I am graduating. I should look at this as a positive experience, especially being at the top of my class. However, in retrospect, I cannot say that I am any more intelligent than my peers. I can attest that I am only the best at doing what I am told and working the system. Yet, here I stand, and I am supposed to be proud that I have completed this period of indoctrination. I will leave in the fall to go on to the next phase expected of me, in order to receive a paper document that certifies that I am capable of work. But I contest that I am a human being, a thinker, an adventurer – not a worker. A worker is someone who is trapped within repetition – a slave of the system set up before him. But now, I have successfully shown that I was the best slave. I did what I was told to the extreme. While others sat in class and doodled to later become great artists, I sat in class to take notes and become a great test-taker. While others would come to class without their homework done because they were reading about an interest of theirs, I never missed an assignment. While others were creating music and writing lyrics, I decided to do extra credit, even though I never needed it. So, I wonder, why did I even want this position? Sure, I earned it, but what will come of it? When I leave educational institutionalism, will I be successful or forever lost? I have no clue about what I want to do with my life; I have no interests because I saw every subject of study as work, and I excelled at every subject just for the purpose of excelling, not learning. And quite frankly, now I'm scared.
John Taylor Gatto, a retired school teacher and activist critical of compulsory schooling, asserts, “We could encourage the best qualities of youthfulness – curiosity, adventure, resilience, the capacity for surprising insight simply by being more flexible about time, texts, and tests, by introducing kids into truly competent adults, and by giving each student what autonomy he or she needs in order to take a risk every now and then. But we don't do that.” Between these cinderblock walls, we are all expected to be the same. We are trained to ace every standardized test, and those who deviate and see light through a different lens are worthless to the scheme of public education, and therefore viewed with contempt.
H. L. Mencken wrote in The American Mercury for April 1924 that the aim of public education is not
      to fill the young of the species with knowledge and awaken their intelligence. ... Nothing could be further from the truth. The aim ... is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed and train a standardized citizenry, to put down dissent and originality. That is its aim in the United States. (Gatto)
To illustrate this idea, doesn't it perturb you to learn about the idea of “critical thinking.” Is there really such a thing as “uncritically thinking?” To think is to process information in order to form an opinion. But if we are not critical when processing this information, are we really thinking? Or are we mindlessly accepting other opinions as truth?This was happening to me, and if it wasn't for the rare occurrence of an avant-garde tenth grade English teacher, Donna Bryan, who allowed me to open my mind and ask questions before accepting textbook doctrine, I would have been doomed. I am now enlightened, but my mind still feels disabled. I must retrain myself and constantly remember how insane this ostensibly sane place really is.
And now here I am in a world guided by fear, a world suppressing the uniqueness that lies inside each of us, a world where we can either acquiesce to the inhuman nonsense of corporatism and materialism or insist on change. We are not enlivened by an educational system that clandestinely sets us up for jobs that could be automated, for work that need not be done, for enslavement without fervency for meaningful achievement. We have no choices in life when money is our motivational force. Our motivational force ought to be passion, but this is lost from the moment we step into a system that trains us, rather than inspires us.
We are more than robotic bookshelves, conditioned to blurt out facts we were taught in school. We are all very special, every human on this planet is so special, so aren't we all deserving of something better, of using our minds for innovation, rather than memorization, for creativity, rather than futile activity, for rumination rather than stagnation? We are not here to get a degree, to then get a job, so we can consume industry-approved placation after placation. There is more, and more still.
The saddest part is that the majority of students don't have the opportunity to reflect as I did. The majority of students are put through the same brainwashing techniques in order to create a complacent labor force working in the interests of large corporations and secretive government, and worst of all, they are completely unaware of it. I will never be able to turn back these 18 years. I can't run away to another country with an education system meant to enlighten rather than condition. This part of my life is over, and I want to make sure that no other child will have his or her potential suppressed by powers meant to exploit and control. We are human beings. We are thinkers, dreamers, explorers, artists, writers, engineers. We are anything we want to be - but only if we have an educational system that supports us rather than holds us down. A tree can grow, but only if its roots are given a healthy foundation.
For those of you out there that must continue to sit in desks and yield to the authoritarian ideologies of instructors, do not be disheartened. You still have the opportunity to stand up, ask questions, be critical, and create your own perspective. Demand a setting that will provide you with intellectual capabilities that allow you to expand your mind instead of directing it. Demand that you be interested in class. Demand that the excuse, “You have to learn this for the test” is not good enough for you. Education is an excellent tool, if used properly, but focus more on learning rather than getting good grades.
For those of you that work within the system that I am condemning, I do not mean to insult; I intend to motivate. You have the power to change the incompetencies of this system. I know that you did not become a teacher or administrator to see your students bored. You cannot accept the authority of the governing bodies that tell you what to teach, how to teach it, and that you will be punished if you do not comply. Our potential is at stake.
For those of you that are now leaving this establishment, I say, do not forget what went on in these classrooms. Do not abandon those that come after you. We are the new future and we are not going to let tradition stand. We will break down the walls of corruption to let a garden of knowledge grow throughout America. Once educated properly, we will have the power to do anything, and best of all, we will only use that power for good, for we will be cultivated and wise. We will not accept anything at face value. We will ask questions, and we will demand truth.
So, here I stand. I am not standing here as valedictorian by myself. I was molded by my environment, by all of my peers who are sitting here watching me. I couldn't have accomplished this without all of you. It was all of you who truly made me the person I am today. It was all of you who were my competition, yet my backbone. In that way, we are all valedictorians.
I am now supposed to say farewell to this institution, those who maintain it, and those who stand with me and behind me, but I hope this farewell is more of a “see you later” when we are all working together to rear a pedagogic movement. But first, let's go get those pieces of paper that tell us that we're smart enough to do so!

Brilliant...   (thanks, Mack)

Thank You, Michael Moore....

Yesterday, in the Westminster Magistrates Court in London , the lawyers for WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange presented to the judge a document from me stating that I have put up $20,000 of my own money to help bail Mr. Assange out of jail.
Furthermore, I am publicly offering the assistance of my website, my servers, my domain names and anything else I can do to keep WikiLeaks alive and thriving as it continues its work to expose the crimes that were concocted in secret and carried out in our name and with our tax dollars.
We were taken to war in Iraq on a lie. Hundreds of thousands are now dead. Just imagine if the men who planned this war crime back in 2002 had had a WikiLeaks to deal with. They might not have been able to pull it off. The only reason they thought they could get away with it was because they had a guaranteed cloak of secrecy. That guarantee has now been ripped from them, and I hope they are never able to operate in secret again.
So why is WikiLeaks, after performing such an important public service, under such vicious attack? Because they have outed and embarrassed those who have covered up the truth. The assault on them has been over the top:
**Sen. Joe Lieberman says WikiLeaks "has violated the Espionage Act."

**The New Yorker's George Packer calls Assange "super-secretive, thin-skinned, [and] megalomaniacal."

**Sarah Palin claims he's "an anti-American operative with blood on his hands" whom we should pursue "with the same urgency we pursue al Qaeda and Taliban leaders."

**Democrat Bob Beckel (Walter Mondale's 1984 campaign manager) said about Assange on Fox: "A dead man can't leak stuff ... there's only one way to do it: illegally shoot the son of a b*tch."

**Republican Mary Matalin says "he's a psychopath, a sociopath ... He's a terrorist."

**Rep. Peter A. King calls WikiLeaks a "terrorist organization."

And indeed they are! They exist to terrorize the liars and warmongers who have brought ruin to our nation and to others. Perhaps the next war won't be so easy because the tables have been turned -- and now it's Big Brother who's being watched ... by us!
WikiLeaks deserves our thanks for shining a huge spotlight on all this. But some in the corporate-owned press have dismissed the importance of WikiLeaks ("they've released little that's new!") or have painted them as simple anarchists ("WikiLeaks just releases everything without any editorial control!"). WikiLeaks exists, in part, because the mainstream media has failed to live up to its responsibility. The corporate owners have decimated newsrooms, making it impossible for good journalists to do their job. There's no time or money anymore for investigative journalism. Simply put, investors don't want those stories exposed. They like their secrets kept ... as secrets.
I ask you to imagine how much different our world would be if WikiLeaks had existed 10 years ago. Take a look at this photo . That's Mr. Bush about to be handed a "secret" document on August 6th, 2001. Its heading read: "Bin Ladin Determined To Strike in US." And on those pages it said the FBI had discovered "patterns of suspicious activity in this country consistent with preparations for hijackings." Mr. Bush decided to ignore it and went fishing for the next four weeks.
But if that document had been leaked, how would you or I have reacted? What would Congress or the FAA have done? Was there not a greater chance that someone, somewhere would have done something if all of us knew about bin Laden's impending attack using hijacked planes?
But back then only a few people had access to that document. Because the secret was kept, a flight school instructor in San Diego who noticed that two Saudi students took no interest in takeoffs or landings, did nothing. Had he read about the bin Laden threat in the paper, might he have called the FBI? (Please read this essay by former FBI Agent Coleen Rowley, Time's 2002 co-Person of the Year, about her belief that had WikiLeaks been around in 2001, 9/11 might have been prevented.)

Or what if the public in 2003 had been able to read "secret" memos from Dick Cheney as he pressured the CIA to give him the "facts" he wanted in order to build his false case for war? If a WikiLeaks had revealed at that time that there were, in fact, no weapons of mass destruction, do you think that the war would have been launched -- or rather, wouldn't there have been calls for Cheney's arrest?
Openness, transparency -- these are among the few weapons the citizenry has to protect itself from the powerful and the corrupt. What if within days of August 4th, 1964 -- after the Pentagon had made up the lie that our ship was attacked by the North Vietnamese in the Gulf of Tonkin -- there had been a WikiLeaks to tell the American people that the whole thing was made up? I guess 58,000 of our soldiers (and 2 million Vietnamese) might be alive today.
Instead, secrets killed them.
For those of you who think it's wrong to support Julian Assange because of the sexual assault allegations he's being held for, all I ask is that you not be naive about how the government works when it decides to go after its prey. Please -- never, ever believe the "official story." And regardless of Assange's guilt or innocence (see the strange nature of the allegations here ), this man has the right to have bail posted and to defend himself. I have joined with filmmakers Ken Loach and John Pilger and writer Jemima Khan in putting up the bail money -- and we hope the judge will accept this and grant his release today.

Might WikiLeaks cause some unintended harm to diplomatic negotiations and U.S. interests around the world? Perhaps. But that's the price you pay when you and your government take us into a war based on a lie. Your punishment for misbehaving is that someone has to turn on all the lights in the room so that we can see what you're up to. You simply can't be trusted. So every cable, every email you write is now fair game. Sorry, but you brought this upon yourself. No one can hide from the truth now. No one can plot the next Big Lie if they know that they might be exposed.
And that is the best thing that WikiLeaks has done. WikiLeaks, God bless them, will save lives as a result of their actions. And any of you who join me in supporting them are committing a true act of patriotism. Period.
I stand today in absentia with Julian Assange in London and I ask the judge to grant him his release. I am willing to guarantee his return to court with the bail money I have wired to said court. I will not allow this injustice to continue unchallenged.
Michael Moore

Op-Ed News

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

School Sucks....

... The END of Public Education

So... A while back, when I went to Portsmouth to meet the author of Fight Club at a bookstore signing, I stopped at Bull Moose Music to fiddle fuck around for a bit before I went home.
On my way out the door, I fumbled upon the little "Free Shit" section they have by the entrance... You know... fliers, stickers, free news papers... shit like that. Well... There was a stack of CD-R's that read "School Sucks"...
On a whim, I snagged one, hopped in the Tumbler and headed back to the Batcave... Listening to this CD on my way home, I was, to say the least, blown away. When I got home, I immediately subscribed to the podcast, and listened to it religiously until all of this divorce shit hit the fan.
In the last week or so, I've picked up where I left off and I am once again addicted...

Do yourself a favor and check out the first episode below. It will definitely change how you think about public school, and Project MayHAM considers it to be required listening.
If you dig it, there is a link to the website at the beginning of this post, or you can type "School Sucks Podcast" in the search bar of the iTunes store.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Someone's Catching Up To Me....

...Happy 23rd, you Drunk Irish Prick.
Don't do anything I wouldn't do....
Of course... That doesn't really eliminate anything.

PS.. Which one of us pissed in the cat's litter box last night?

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

drinking beer in downtown farmington.... fuck you

Nail On The Head, Keith....

... Thanks to The Punk Patriot

Also, is taking a stand against Obama. If you're a Democratic President, and is against you, you KNOW you've fucked up.

Obama is turning out to be a Hoover, not an FDR...

Darrell Lance Abbott....

...August 20, 1966 – December 8, 2004

Six Fucking Years... God DAMN we miss you, Dimebag.

STEP ONE IS COMPLETE... Come on, Vince... Let it go...

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

WIKILeaks... Do Not Ignore The Buzz....

WikiLeaks logo Pictures, Images and Photos

Wikileaks.... I'm sure you've heard the term the last few weeks. The truth is, Wikileaks, has been publishing for four years. They seem to have a dedication to spreading truth, and keeping government open.... 
(editor's note... We kinda fucking dig that shit)

They recently released around 250,000 documents taken from intercepted contact between U.S. embassies, and things of that nature. They range in date from 1966 until February 2010, and many are classified. They supposedly allow us to read communications between U.S. diplomats and allow us to see what is said behind closed doors. This has enraged many U.S. politicians. They have even gone so far as to call the founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, a "Cyber-Terrorist". Now due to it's in depth nature, I have added a link that defines Cyber Terrorism. From what I can tell, to call Assange a "Cyber Terrorist" is a bit of a fucking stretch. It's defamation of Character. It's Classic U.S. Government... If someone opposes the government, how do we label them....? 
And in our narrow little minds we hear "TERRORIST" and we are brought back immediately to 9/11. (Which the "fact" that terrorists had anything to do with that is a whole different story which we will save for another day, but I digress...). These Political figures are clearly furious that their "good-Ole'-boy network" behind closed doors conversations are being aired to the public. I mean, if you were doing something illegal, and just being an all-around rich douche-bag on a day-to-day basis, would you want everyone to know? I think not... Also, in the last few days, Assange was arrested in England on four sexually based offenses. One of these charges?  
Honestly, now?  I don't know this fucking guy, and I'm not saying he is innocent. But it all seems very fucking convenient. Just a week after releasing secret government conversations the man is now being called a "TERRORIST" and  he is being accused of rape by two unnamed women from Sweden.... If there is one thing we hate in America, I do believe it's rapists, maybe even more than "TERRORISTS". Even other criminals hate fucking rapists. (Again I am not saying the man is completely "innocent"...)
It seems to me that the government is simply trying to destroy this man's credibility, but who knows. This is all food for thought. I will add a link to a news article about his arrest HERE.
Oh! and I also added a link in the title of this post to the WIKILEAKS homepage. Seriously... Take a look, make your own decisions, but I feel that as "free" people we all have a right to see this kind of stuff.

I have downloaded all of the intercepted communications and I will be reading them over the next few weeks. So If I find anything Project MayHAM worthy I will definitely write a post.

While I was surfing the WIKILEAKS page, I came across this video... I want to warn you that it's a little hard to watch.... But again, you need to see this stuff...

The Infinite Wisdom....

.. of Don Draper

"When a man walks into a room... he brings his whole life with him. 
He has a million reasons for being anywhere. Just ask him.
If you listen... he'll tell you how he got there. 
How he forgot where he was going... And then he woke up.
If you listen.. he'll tell you about the time he thought he was an angel... or dreamt of being perfect..
And then he'll smile with wisdom.
Content that he realized the world isn't perfect.

We're flawed, because we want so much more...
We're ruined, because we get these things...and wish for what we had..."

Monday, December 6, 2010


....This record blows me the fuck AWAY


Swing Hard...

Like An Earthquake...

Buy That Shit HERE...

Saturday, December 4, 2010

We Now Continue With Your Regularly Scheduled Programming....

I can't believe how long it's been since I've done this....
I was fumbling through the archives last night, and realized that the two year anniversary of this thing came and went two fucking months ago. No wonder I'm depressed... Project MayHAM is my outlet. And it's been missing since June. Well... Here it goes....

1.Fuck You.
That's right... Fuck you. You know who you are. You know why. I shouldn't have to explain.

... But, hey... If I didn't at least EXPLAIN.... 

 The overwhelming need for people to get involved in the life problems of other people, while their own life is falling apart just boggles my fucking mind... Listen... I know this is a trailer park, but come the fuck ON. Must we adhere to every possible stereotype known to man in regards to living here? Mind your own business, and quit starting shit.
Yes, this is all about ME. That was the whole fucking point. You knew that going in. Stop complaining. If you don't like it... You know where the door is. Don't fall apart now... You would do yourself a huge favor if you would just fucking learn that the more you try to pull me in, the harder I'm going to fight to get away. I am Jack's complete lack of surprise that you haven't figured that out yet.   I'm in NO shape to be anything to anyone. Just back the fuck off. When I'm ready.... (if)... You'll be the first to know...

Not one person reading this will ever know how difficult it was for me to finally file for divorce... Not one. I can pontificate until I'm blue in the face, and no amount of words could EVER explain why I did what I did, and why it's still, to this day, eating me alive.... Fuck.. half the time I don't know... To certain people, who think they know me, I say this: You have no fucking CLUE.
 Leave it alone. The past six months have sliced me open... taken everything out... and put everything back in sideways. If you think you knew me before, be advised.... That dude is loooong fucking GONE.
I'm still trying to figure me out after all of this... What I do, or who I choose to surround myself with has nothing to do with you. NOTHINGLet it go.
Quit taking it fucking personally... If you still want to be a part of my life, that's fine... But shut the fuck up about who else I spend my fucking time with, and trying to figure out what's going on in my head... Do you hear me pissing and moaning about the people you hang out with? No. Because it ain't my place. 
Where the fuck were you when I was living in my truck... In the woods? 
Trying to think of a reason every day not to put a god damn gun to my head?
On top of that...
When the two reasons I DID have, hate my fucking guts?
Where would that leave YOU?

That's it for today...  To be fucking continued...

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thursday, October 28, 2010

I Could Be Awhile....

It could be awhile before i post again, things are a little crazy right now. Who knows maybe I won't be back until after December 3rd, the elusive fucking bandonox may be back in the driver's seat before I resurface. But never fear, I'm sure that when I finally resurface i will have plenty to talk about... >:)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Saturday, October 16, 2010

PedoBear.... Look Familliar?

Public Service, at some point, is always necessary...

Yes, here at Project MayHAM well love doing a few things
A. Busting Balls
B. Fight Hypocracy in any way shape or form
C. Calling out fucking scumbag liars
D. Having a good laugh

But there comes a time when you just have to give something back, so in the interest of protecting and INFORMING the public of sexual predators... I give you this....

Any adult offender convicted of any of the below listed crimes, whether in this state or another, is required to register as a sexual offender for the following time periods, Felony convictions (Life); Misdemeanor convictions (10 Years).

The timeframe for offender registration is within 30 days of release (including while under supervision); 30 days of establishing residence; and 10 days of changing address.

(Convicted of a Violation or Attempted Violation)

RSA 632-A:2, I(1) Aggravated Sexual Assault
(sexual penetration with victim under 13 years of age)

[Nasty Right?]
RSA 632-A:2, II Aggravated Felonious Sexual Assault
(touching genitals of victim under 13 years of age)
RSA 632-A:3, III Felonious Sexual Assault
(sexual contact with victim under 13 years of age)

RSA 645:1, III Indecent Exposure and Lewdness

RSA 651-B:1, V Offender Against Children
Or Equivalent Offense of another state or the federal government

(Contents courtesy of Concord Police Department)

Please, stay informed, I will leave you the search engine so that you can search your town to see if any of these fucking monsters live near you. You should keep your information up to date to protect yourself and your children....
To Reach the search engine, simply click on the title of this post

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Wicked Witch Pictures, Images and Photos

Ladies and Gentleman.... I am very happy to report....the wicked witch is dead ( well really she is just gone but fuck it, I'll take it...)


But honestly no hard feelings :)

I just am glad to say goodbye :)


Thursday, September 30, 2010


The word has been passed down that our "fearless" leader should be back, full strength, uninhibated December 4th, 2010. That is the date when he is FINALLY Free from his shackles and his ability to exercise his FIRST AMENDMANT RIGHTS will be given back to him. I'm sure that he will be ready to DROP FUCKING knowledge on you motherfuckers again.

Oh and to all those Rat bastards and fucking lawyers reading this page for evidence...haha FUCK YOU

Fuck You Pictures, Images and Photos

R.I.P. Greg Giraldo...

Project MayHam would like to say good bye to a brilliant Comedic mind today, Greg Giraldo. He was a funny motherfucker and he was WAY UNDER-RATED....
He did a lot of Comedy Central roasts, and I suggest you check them out if you haven't seen or heard his work. Below I have copied an article from the Washington Post, so that you can get the full story and so I can not get fucking Carpal Tunnel by typing the whole fucking thing... But in all seriousness and in closing, Project MayHam would like to say: Greg Giraldo....This PBR goes out to you brotha, Rest Easy....

Article Courtesy of The Washington Post:

NEW YORK (AP) - Greg Giraldo, a stand-up comedian who specialized in rants and insult-filled roasts, has died. He was 44.

Giraldo died at the Robert Wood Johnson Hospital in New Brunswick, N.J., after being hospitalized days earlier. New Brunswick policeLt. J.T. Miller said officers found Giraldo in his room at the Hyatt New Brunswick on Saturday night.

The Home News Tribune of East Brunswick reported that Giraldo had suffered a drug overdose, citing New Brunswick police. Giraldo's managers declined to comment Thursday.

On Wednesday's "Daily Show," Jon Stewart paid tribute to Giraldo. Instead of showing the shows traditional final segment, "Moment of Zen," the program ran a "Moment of Greg," playing a clip of Giraldo performing.

"The comedy world lost a good man and a great comic," Stewart said. "When you were working the clubs, he was just one of those guys that you loved to run into, because he was always a font of warmth and good humor and just smart-as-hell comedy."

Born in New York, Giraldo initially pursued a career in law, earning a bachelor's degree from Columbia and a law degree from Harvard. But he abandoned that path for stand-up, toiling in comedy clubs and on television.

In one stand-up bit _ one of his most popular on YouTube _ he questioned opponents of same-sex marriage: "George Bush says two gay people getting married would violate the sanctity of marriage. The sanctity of marriage? Is anyone here married? Does it feel like a gift from God to you?"

He starred in the ABC sitcom "Common Law" _ in which he fittingly played a lawyer _ but the show was canceled after four episodes. He was also a judge on the NBC reality show "Last Comic Standing."

He was a frequent guest on "The Late Show with David Letterman," "Late Night with Conan O'Brien" and "The Howard Stern Show." He often appeared on Comedy Central's roast series. His last appearance on the network (on which he had two comedy half-hour comedy specials) was the "Comedy Central Roast of David Hasselhoff" in August.

Comedy Central said in a statement: "The tragic news of Greg's passing hits us very, very hard. Greg has been a member of the Comedy Central family for years, injecting his energy and wicked sense of humor into countless projects. The comedy community lost a brother today. Our thoughts are with his family."

Giraldo was divorced with three children.

News of Giraldo's death circulated on the Internet. His website referred visitors to Giraldo's Facebook page, where fans left their condolences.

"RIP, buddy," wrote comedian Jim Norton on Twitter. Comedian Jim Gaffigan wrote "Goodbye Greg. I love you" _ adding a lament for addiction. Comedian Aziz Ansari called Giraldo "one of the most respected comic I can think of" and said: "The world has lost a hysterical man." Joan Rivers said that she was very fond of Giraldo and that she was very angry: "What a waste of comedic talent."

Comedian Patton Oswalt used a savory turn of phrase to note that "If there's a heaven then Einstein, Asimov, Voltaire and Anne Frank are" getting the daylights "roasted out of 'em tonight."

Oh and BTW: Is it weird that I did a Spell-check to check over my work and I ended up correcting the article from the FUCKING NEWSPAPER!?.... this country is going to shit....

Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Palace of Sin

The Palace of Sin: For everyone who had the pleasure of being a part of it, this video should bring back some amazing memories....enjoy....

Friday, September 24, 2010

Tortured Musicians....

I wonder if....

Lawyers are still checking this blog for evidence....

haha I sure hope so!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Music Buzz...

This fall has a few records coming out that I'm both excited about and also interested to hear. I know that the music field is hands down Bandonox's specialty.... well really Pop Culture in general is Bandonox's specialty. I was just brought in to post random shit that amused me, he's the serious (and absent) author.

But as I was saying there are a few musical acts releasing albums this fall that I am pretty excited to hear.
Corey Taylor has said that the new Stone Sour Cd, is his best piece of work to date, Slipknot included. When I heard about this my loins were immediately moist with excitement. Slipknot is a metal Juggernaut and Stone Sour is a Rock-Radio Phenomenon. As far as I'm concerned both of those bands should thank their lucky stars every night that they met Corey Taylor. That man wakes up and pisses musical talent.
After Listening to the first half of the new Stone Sour Record (entitled Audio Secrecy), I was nothing short of distraught. Tracks 1-8 were clearly the "radio friendly" bunch. They were light, fluffy, and sad, it was upsetting. (You will have to wait to see if Bandonox feels the need to review it for details). But I felt that the last 6 tracks were far more palatable for me. Heavier, angrier and more in touch with the roots of Stone Sour. It's definatly worth a listen.

Shifting gears pretty severely, the other record I'm interested in hear is the new Jamey Johnson album (The Guitar Song). I have only been listening to Jamey for two years now since I read a review in Rolling Stone of his album "That Lonesome Song." They compared his gritty, self-loathing lyrics to Johnny Cash. This alone immediately caught my interest (this was before I realized that the Rolling Stone reviews were 95% bullshit). So I found it and gave it a listen. Lets just say I was not disappoint. It was real, it was raw and I felt it. He was singing about what every drinking and drugging man's man has ever felt. Everything from getting arrested in a motel room with a hooker and cocaine to waking up in his pickup truck with "whiskey eyes and ashtray breath". It probably doesn't say too much for me, but I've felt those things, those lyrics actually brought memories back for me.
So I am excited to see if Mr. Jamey Johnson has continued down the road of degradation or if he has fallen into the fold of cookie cutter, bullshit pop-rock country acts. I'm hoping for the first of the two, but I will have to wait and find out, maybe I'll keep you posted on that.

And lastly on a more personal note I would like to point out some local (New Hampshire) talent that I know personally. Mr. Aaron Lee Marshall and Mr. Dave Emeney.

Aaron Lee Marshall has just released his second album. It's a live record entitled Take It and Like It (look for it and his first record, Now Maybe, on ITunes). It was recorded at the Rochester Opera House in Rochester New Hampshire. Yours Truly and Bandonox were both in attendance and were blown away. Aaron has been said to be the #1 selling artist from the state of Maine in Down East Magazine. At Bull Moose Music Stores he is the #1 selling recording Artist. This man is 100% talent and you should really go out and look up his stuff it's worth it and 100% Project MayHam endorsed.

Another local artist worth mentioning is Dave Emeney. Dave is a personal friend of mine and also of Aaron Lee Marshall. He is currently recording his first studio album "The Great American Failure" at Superior Sound Studios in Somersworth New Hampshire. He has actually, today, finished all of his parts and is just awaiting drums and the album will be complete and should be available on ITunes in October so keep an eye out. His music is emotion evoking and powerful stuff. to say that it's worth listening to would be doing his music no justice. I have watched this album grow from it's infancy. I was watched this man play "a few songs he wrote" while he was shitfaced drunk in his crummy apartment at 2 am. and now he is finishing his ALBUM that will be released nationally on ITUNES. Please, if you do one thing, buy this album, it's a must and I 100% endorse it....

I hope this has been fun to read because it was a bitch to type.... I'm headed to have a few drinks with Mr. Dave Emeney as we speak....Take it easy....bitches....

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I am Lost In This Thing: Desert Spring.....

I don't really know how to describe it other than I feel like I am spiraling out of control. Enemies look like friends and I am looking at friends as complete enemies.... I'm lost in a sea of Change, fear, paranoia and an over all sense of losing myself. But I mean I walk through life day to day and no one notices. No one sees that under my well planned and well placed "cool, calm and collected" look on my face and my "yeah whatever" attitude that under all of that I am an udder tornado of feelings. I am torn everyday by memories of the past (and the mistakes I've made) and complete fear of the future. People who used to (and should be) comforting me only load the stress upon my shoulders ten fold; of course to no fault of their own, it's all in my head. Mistrust, paranoia and fear clog my judgement and cloud my perception. I feel completely lost... So much has changed, so much has hurt, and so much has torn me to complete pieces that I haven't had a chance to catch up, and it's affecting me. I can't tell what is real and whats just conjured up by my over thinking. I feel like if this keeps up I'm going to break. I trust no one... The only thing that always kept me sane is only appearing two days a week, the rest of the time, I am left to my own devices. I just hope that all of this lets up soon... I don't know how much more I can take...

Friday, September 10, 2010

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Furbush = Hobo...

hobo walk Pictures, Images and Photos

Have no fear you inconsiderate assholes. Furbush has not forgotten about all you loyal little monkeys. Due to his pending divorce he has been without access to the internet. He has been staying in a field, in a tent. This said field has become my new party spot of course, so I'm not complaining.

But he has every intention of coming back full force and dropping a varitable atom bomb of white trash drama on your eagar eyes. Stay Tuned kids, it'll be worth the wait...

I Haven't Wanted To....

...Jerk off on a comedian's tits so badly since I saw Artie Lange with his shirt off; until i laid eyes on this maliciously hilarious bombshell.

Her Name is Whitney Cummings. She's funny as all hell. I first heard her on the roast of david hasselhoff. I was half asleep, so i just left an ear open to hear the jokes. I heard Whitney's set and it was fucking vicious and hilarious. Those jokes where you go "Oh shit.... that was brutal.... but fuck thats hilarious". The very next week i hear baba-booey promoting the fact that she will be on the stern show in a couple of days. and I figured "fuck, she's funny, I'll be sure not to miss that." So up until this point I have no idea what this broad looks like. All i know is that this broad has a sharp tongue and a quick wit. She could have looked like lisa lampanelli and I still would have been turned on. But when I tuned into the Stern Show and I hear Howard commenting "jesus you're smokin' hott" i was immediatly intrigued.

She Funny and Hott... look her up, you won't be disappointed.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

On Locatiion....

... In Superior Sound Studio in Somersworth, NH with Special Dave Emeney. I'm not sure if its the Jack Daniels I was drinking on the way here, or if it was the midget porn that Dave and I were looking at while they mic'd up the drums. But I am in a phenomenal mood. When we arrived the producer showed me a video that had been taken of Aaron Lee Marshall and Special Dave Emeney on their last visit a few days ago to the studio. I have that video posted below, and i will continue to post videos as they come out.
I'm out, I gotta drink some more Jack Daniels, enjoy the music and the overall atmosphere of being in an actual music studio, so peace the fuck out and keep it out of your buttholes....bitches.... and enjoy

Monday, August 9, 2010

Let me make something perfectly clear....

This blog has never claimed to been anything... at all. It was created intended to be a place for the mental vomit of the authors. We never said it was to expose hypocracy, we never said it was to fight the "power" and we sure as fuck NEVER said it was to entertain some fucking white trash asshole out there in middle of nowhere. This fucking blog is for US, if you don't like what we're posting THEN STARE A DIFFERENT FUCKING WEBSITE. Because I don't give a fuck what you want, I don't give a fuck what you need.

You people have no idea what we do here, if you all knew what we did here we would be cunts. The majority of our posts have some deep inside joke, and the only reason that we posted it to begin with was to make the other author laugh, so honesly in closing let me just say....


I don't give a fk Pictures, Images and Photos

Saturday, August 7, 2010

If You Didn't Know.... Now You Know

Project MayHam now has an official color....

Thats right between the Tumbler and The New Cat-Mobile, the new official color of Project Mayham is Silver, Bitches

Keep an eye out, we both roll in style now...

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Do unto others...

Ok folks... lets think about this....

Lets look at something real quick...

Lets Define a "Restraining Order"

Restraining Order- Type of injunction by which a court prohibits an individual from "harassing", "threatening", or even approaching, "accosting", or contacting a specific individual. (This includes third party contact)

Now for you inbred assholes who don't know exactly what the mean of this contact by the third party is... lets define that for you as well....

Third Party- Someone who may be indirectly involved but is not a principal party to an arrangement, contract, deal, lawsuit, or transaction.

Now lets hope that you all can take these definitions and use them in your everyday lives... thanks bitches...

What Can I Tell Yah....

I Love To Drink and Party....

Friday, July 23, 2010

Radio Silence....

...Don't worry.
We haven't abandoned you... Nor is this another bout of "Dave got fucking lazy" inactivity.....
An explanation is forthcoming.... It shall be entitled "Love Always, Your Manipulative Whore Of A Cunt..." But until the time is right, we are on kinda sorta standby....

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Just Checking In...

...Welcome back, ummmmm "Rooster".... fuckin' homo...

Monday, May 17, 2010

Ronald James Padavona....

... Better known as Ronnie James Dio
....July 10, 1942- May 16, 2010

Project MayHAM sends our condolences to the family and friends of the Metal Legend from New Hampshire...\m/

Rolling Stone
Ronnie James Dio, the former Elf, Rainbow and Black Sabbath singer who often claimed credit for inventing metal's chief hand gesture, the devil horns, has died at the age of 67, according to a statement from his wife and manager Wendy Dio. The Holy Diver mastermind revealed last fall that he'd been diagnosed with the early stages of stomach cancer. Despite undergoing immediate treatment at the Mayo Clinic, Dio was unable to do what he swore he would: kill the dragon.
"Today my heart is broken," Wendy wrote in a message on Dio's official website. She said Ronnie passed just before 8 a.m. today. "Many, many friends and family were able to say their private goodbyes before he peacefully passed away. We so appreciate the love and support that you have all given us. Please give us a few days of privacy to deal with this terrible loss. Please know he loved you all and his music will live on forever."
Dio, who was known for his high falsetto, imposing presence, and mythic lyricism, was forced to cancel a European tour soon after making the announcement about his health. In online messages to fans, he expressed his determination to kick the fatal disease, the second most common cause of cancer death worldwide. He had recently undergone his seventh chemotherapy treatment and was hoping to take the stage again soon. Heaven and Hell were forced to cancel their summer tour earlier this month.
While perhaps best known as Ozzy Osbourne's Black Sabbath replacement, Dio first rose to prominence during the 1970s with Rainbow, the influential metal troupe featuring Deep Purple guitarist Ritchie Blackmore. He took over for Ozzy behind the Sabbath microphone stand in 1980. He recorded and released Heaven and Hell with Sabbath, an LP that is widely considered one of the genre's defining moments.
He formed a solo band to keep him busy between his time with Black Sabbath, and experienced considerable success with songs like "Rainbow in the Dark" and "The Last in Line." Tenacious D wrote a tribute song titled "Dio" to the wide-eyed singer, which appears on the band's self-titled debut.
The news of Dio's death was met with an outpouring of sorrow from the metal community, who, since the start of 2010, have lost two huge figures: Avenged Sevenfold drummer James "The Rev" Sullivan and Type O Negative frontman Peter Steele.
"Ronnie was a true leader of heavy metal... an icon and a visionary," said Glenn Hughes of Deep Purple and Black Sabbath fame. "There will never be another like him. Ronnie gave me wisdom, and showed me great compassion when he was in Elf, all those years ago, when we were on tour together in my time in Deep Purple. He was a beautiful soul, kind, considerate and a wonderful teacher."
"With the possible exception of Rob Halford, Ronnie James Dio had the most definitively metal voice of any vocalist I can think of," Chuck Klosterman, the author of Fargo Rock City, tells Rolling Stone. "Anybody who tries to caricature heavy metal singing is really just doing an imitation of what Dio did naturally. In fact, a lot of what casual rock fans associate with the teenage metal subculture — Dungeons & Dragons, the devil horn salute, black T-shirts, a casual obsession with superhuman evil — are really just extensions of the Dio persona. His cultural influence is vast. And if you go back and listen to those first two albums he did with Sabbath, his lyrical idea are pretty interesting and memorable. He took himself seriously and unseriously at the same time."
Sebastian Bach wrote online that he's "crying right now in remembrance of my hero and friend, Ronnie James Dio. He was a major, major part of my life. I got to do shows with him and work with him and I loved Dio my whole life."
"He possessed one of the greatest voices in all of heavy metal, and had a heart to match it," said Twisted Sister guitarist Jay Jay French, who toured with Dio during the 1980s. "He was the nicest, classiest person you would ever want to meet."