This blog has never claimed to been anything... at all. It was created intended to be a place for the mental vomit of the authors. We never said it was to expose hypocracy, we never said it was to fight the "power" and we sure as fuck NEVER said it was to entertain some fucking white trash asshole out there in middle of nowhere. This fucking blog is for US, if you don't like what we're posting THEN STARE A DIFFERENT FUCKING WEBSITE. Because I don't give a fuck what you want, I don't give a fuck what you need.
You people have no idea what we do here, if you all knew what we did here we would be cunts. The majority of our posts have some deep inside joke, and the only reason that we posted it to begin with was to make the other author laugh, so honesly in closing let me just say....

You people have no idea what we do here, if you all knew what we did here we would be cunts. The majority of our posts have some deep inside joke, and the only reason that we posted it to begin with was to make the other author laugh, so honesly in closing let me just say....
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