Friday, February 4, 2011

Whoa Whoa WHOA! Pump The Fucking BRAKES!

Hold the fucking phone....
I find this "organization" and this blog a bit fucking nutty... The mixed reactions we recieve from this brick shithouse is out of fucking control. We have people trying to use this blog as evidence in court, people trying to gain insight into our lives based on what they hear or see on this blog and (my personal favorite) we have people talking shit one minute and the next trying to be our best fucking buddies.

It's been brought to my attention that someone that was officially on my "Fuck you asshole, let me see you again" list; thinks that just because a few months have passed, he thinks he can "be a part of this organization."

Let me paint it this way... FUCK THAT

You wanna talk shit to us, attack us on personal levels, talk shit about our families, and how we conduct our relationships, and EVEN attack our parenting... how fucking DARE you think we would ever give you a second fucking glance. FUCK THAT

I think at this point you know who the fuck you are.... You Russian piece of shit...

Furbush might have forgotten what took place because he has enough going on in his life that he can't commit energy into hating you... Me? I say FUCK THAT...

Do what you told everyone you were gonna do and "Move onto better things; much better than McDonalds"... apparently you meant KFC and a fucking Pizza Palace in the "Butthole City" of the area... congratulations... shit bag...

Keep your nose out of our fucking business and enjoy your fucking life.
OH! and before your bitch ass even has an opportunity to bring it up...
Your not dealing with the "alcoholic asshole who is couch surfing on his friends couch" anymore... thats right asshole I am and have been 100% sober... so come at me now, be a fucking man for once....

So Do I want you to be, or will you EVER contribute to anything we do here?!


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