Sunday, November 20, 2011

I Guess It's Time....

Everything, and I mean everything, has crumbled away faster than it was built. These relationships, points of view, and ideals that we have all been building our lives upon for the last two and a half years have washed away like a sand castle at high tide.
 Maybe it was the fact that in some strange,drunken stupor we became comfortable with this monolith that we had created; and that comfort led us down this path..... Maybe the thought process was that " We're all Fuck Ups and Degenerates... Nothing can stop this juggernaut now". Then you wake up one day to realize that every post that you leaned upon when you were tired, and every "safe haven" have become pillars of hell fire and snake pits. The sad fact is that we all have made it this way. The party can only last so long before the proverbial " cops" get called.
The only comfort that you can throw yourself into is the fact that everything happens for a reason, and I truly believe that.

Maybe it's because that's all I have left.

It's the only thing I can say out loud to myself, and know that it still rings true. Do I know why all of this happened?
Absolutely not...

I have no idea. 

Now some of you reading this may think you know what I am speaking of...
You're wrong.
 That's only one piece of this tragedy.
No, I speak of everything.
Realizing you made a mistake a "year and a quarter" ago.... Realizing that no temptation is worth losing the the things you love,and that if you are going to hold values and voice them, then stick by them, or you will lose yourself in the storm.
 I am speaking of the state of us as individuals, not as a Unit. Because frankly, there is no more unity. And maybe I am speaking only for myself... I can't remember the last time I felt this empty, this vulnerable. Nothing feels normal or right,...nothing.
But, in the long run, that's what its all about. There is NOTHING you can do that will be a "magic fix".... 

You can choose to put things back the way they used to be, but it won't fix anything. It's all about the discomfort. The discomfort means things are changing. It means you are about to embark on the next chapter. Sure, maybe the last chapter didn't end the way you wanted it to, but always remember, the success of the next chapter all depends on how you deal and respond to this transition. If you fight it, nothing will change and you will be in the same position that you have grown to hate. So please, I beg all of you... Embrace this change.
Let old feuds go.
 Let those longing feelings for the past go.
There is a reason its the past.
I would like to sincerely apologize to everyone I effected.
I am sorry for doing my part to make things end this way, and I hope the next chapter of all of your lives make all of the pieces come together.
I hope that in the future you are at least able to look upon these days and say "Yeah...That's why I am here now, because I lived through those days".
I wish only the best for each and every one of you.
And in closing, I just want to say...
I will miss the days when we ruled the world....
And I am sorry...

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