Sunday, March 6, 2011

That Couldn't Possibly Be Any More Annoying....

Sometimes... When I'm drunk...At four in the morning... I like to play a little game I call "YouTube Music Rant".
Anyone that really knows me will tell you that I have a tendency to start talking about a band, and then... an hour and a half later, I'm going off about " That guy that used to play drums in Black Label who played on a couple of Crowbar records and how that relates to Guns N' Roses"... or some shit. I Am Jack's Veritable Encyclopedia Of Useless Music Knowledge. 

Ask Big Cat... He knows how deep the rabbit hole goes.
His response is to cut me off after five minutes or so with this:

Well... When there's nobody around... I still feel a strong need to either share or reminisce about the music either I'm into at the time or shit I grew up listening to. That's when I play the YouTube game... I'll watch a video, or hear a song that will remind me of another... Then THAT one will remind me of yet another, and so on. When this goes down in the wee hours, I'll click "share" and post that shit on facebook.
Generally speaking, there isn't a whole fucking hell of a lot going on in the news feed at 4am. "Normal" people are all nestled snugly in their beds. If they aren't, at least something is happening on fb... right?

Here's what I find annoying:

 People share videos. All day. Every day. Nine times out of ten, it's some played out hit or a retarded video everyone's seen a thousand times. My wall is cluttered with this dreck all day and night. It's also littered with a status every 2 minutes chronicling everything people do.Even the shit nobody cares about. Like, what they're eating, when they're working... who they're hanging out with...When they're sick... When they're better... "I Love Him/Her" every eight fucking seconds. Not to mention apps...
Farmville, YoVille, Poker, Yahtzee, Quizzes.. "How Well Does Your Mom Suck Cock?... click here to find out the answer!!!!"  Horoscopes, Polls...
"I'm sickk :("
"Going to the bathroom, eating pb and j then doing hw... texxxt :]"
"Work til 4 thennn idk"
"I love my gf... she's the bestest EVER"... an hour later.... "Dave Furbush is single"

Haven't these people heard of fucking twitter?  
I dig a little deeper.
 I actually post "What's On My Mind" as per the fucking instructions. Apologies for interrupting an otherwise empty news feed in the middle of the the night with some cool shit you may not have heard before.
 My bad....
 News Flash, Assholes... The videos don't play automatically.  I apologize for posting 24 videos last night... Those 24 videos were infinitely more interesting than almost everything you've posted in the last six months.
What's truly annoying is when someone goes out of their fucking way to let you know that they disapprove of your facebook activity, when they essentially post the same 6 things every week, again and again. And it's the same clichéd fucking bullshit everyone else posts.

Thanks for the feedback. Maybe next time, instead of posting a video, I'll just be like everyone else and click the link to find out how well Your Mom Sucks Cock instead....

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