Monday, October 10, 2011

Tell Us How You REALLY Feel....

I just had this idea...  I was flipping through some files, when I happened to stumble onto some absolute gold. I had the whole idea of  this blog, because of my old habit of recapping my many shitty days at work or at home on paper... I think I'm gonna start doing that again. Just stream of consciousness bullshit. Check this out... It's from June of 2008.... Apparently, I was writing it to Big Cat... Whether or not I actually sent it to him is a mystery... But I love it and wanna fucking share. No editing... As fucking Is. Check it out:

dude... today was the closest i've ever come to fucking killing myself at work.
what the fuck?
some things never change. i was there like an hour late the other day, helping amin and doin fucking interviews, plus i was there monday at 5 fucking am on my day off so ty could show me the fucking op report for when she goes on fucking vacation. ( last week too ) and i switched with mike so i could watch the fucking celtics game last night.. so i closed for him tonight. his schedule was 5 to close.
so, when i close, i usually come in at 3 but since i put in all these extra fucking hours this week, i figure it's ok to come in at 5...
ty calls me at 3:20...
"hey, you um... comin' to work today or......?"
so i get fucking dressed.. stop at wayside for butts... grab a dew for her royal fucking highness and walk in the office, gift in hand.

Bigtime fucking attitude. apparently drew ripped her fucking head off today, and i was just in time for the recap.
I tell her to not let it bother her.. that's how he is. she works her ass off and she should be proud of what she does regardless... fuck drew and the eternal hair across his ass. i thought everything i said was perfect.(which is rare) if someone had said that to me, i would have instantly felt better... but then.....
she sees 4 dollars hanging out of my shirt pocket and asks if it's for the safe.........
"oh... cuz the safe was short $25 last night"
"well, did he count it before you left?"
since when is it my fucking problem? how many goddamn times have i had to pay hundreds of fucking dollars to the safe because I... that's right... ME didn't have the fucking time to count the safe before another manager left? "it is your responsibility to verify the safe because when the manager leaves it becomes your responsibility "... RIGHT?  isn't that the rule? apparently that's only the fucking rule for me, cuz i TOLD him to count it @ 7:15....
45 fucking minutes? not enough fucking time? according to ty now it's MY responsibility to make sure the manager taking over counts the safe before i leave....cuz.. you know it's ALWAYS fucking short on my shifts, right? i'm the only one there that even knows how to count.... i flipped the fuck out. mere SECONDS after i was calming HER the fuck down, i was fucking screaming at her. "this is fucking BULLSHIT!"
i take off.. go up front.. look at the line bar. apparently, gianni called out.. cool. one of my closers. on a saturday. all i have is corey and this brand new girl that makes hannah look like chadbourne. "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT?"
i guess he called out the NIGHT BEFORE and nobody bothered to cover it. awesome.
ty says " you're not the only one whose ever had someone call out on their shift"
i could tell you it was bad, jay... but that was only the fucking beginning. ty's really, really ready to quit. and at this point i'm not so sure it would be a bad thing, because when she's being a complete fucking douche, it completely ruins my fucking day. i bitched about this jill chick closing and she tells me  it's because all the closers are quitting because all the managers suck. "even me?"..."everyone" "michelle can't stop crying... josh doesn't know what the fuck he's doing.. they're sick of it"
jeremy quit. he works, like 4 hours every other week.
krystal is leaving cuz she's MOVING.
Chad got another job making $11 an hour, 48 hrs a week.
arielle is being FORCED to quit cuz she's FUCKING THE ASSISTANT MANAGER...
and don't even get me started on that kid...
kinda funny.. now all the kids bitch cuz all shane does is yell at them. and then goes out to smoke a cigarette EVERY TEN FUCKING MINUTES...exept when tony's there. then he doesn't even come back inside until tony leaves. makin out with that fat cow whore in the parking lot.. it makes me wanna fucking PUKE.
he's always asking to go home early cuz he doesn't feel good.
he's already called out because he couldn't get out of bed.
( on arielle's senior skip day..hmmmmmm) then goes home early the next so he can go to bed and goes to his parent's party and gets drunk. 2 days ago he came into the office while i was doin the deposit fucking BAWLING HIS FUCKING EYES OUT cause "he feels "ALL WRONG" and he can't take it... his head is spinnin blaghblah blahblahblah....
i ask ty if shane can run the shift instead of me cuz me and the warden almost got a fucking divorce the other night and i don't really feel like bein the boss today and she says " shane's worked 8 days in a row" yeah? cuz he had to make up for the goddamn call out last week! i've worked more fucking days than him in the last two weeks.. WHAT ABOUT DAVE?
FUCK HIM... HE HAS NO FUCKING CLUE WHAT'S GOING ON IN THAT STORE. NONE. who was covering that piece of shit, no questions asked,the other day. ME.

oh my god.. i didn't realize how much i just typed. i've been typing for an hour.
holy shit.
but i feel better now.

Love it... Peace....

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