Thursday, August 18, 2011

Wake Up, Big Cat...

It's not Furbush that's sinking the ship....

It seems the gauntlet has been thrown down.

Look here...
It's really REALLY fucking easy for Mr. Cat to attribute my lack of artistic production to good ol' fashion laziness or indifference. This coming from a guy that has contributed exactly ONE fucking paragraph to Project MayHAM related endeavors in the last 3 months. It's like W. Axl Rose calling out Metallica for taking too long in between albums. Apparently, it's Furbush's fault that MAYHAM with Big Cat And Furbush is "on a break". Please excuse me... my bad. Furbush needed a little time to regroup after the Dunkin' Donuts debacle, and had to come up with a suitable excuse for Big Cat's indifference towards the podcast by slingin' this "between seasons" bullshit. And when I went and got myself some guest co-hosts, everyone's favorite large feline would get his little wet crotchless fucking panties in a bunch... I even rocked a semi-daily UStream webcam thing to sorta "fill the gap", so to speak...

But it was SHITTY.

It was a sad abomination with a complete lack of focus and almost zero inspiration. The point of me writing and podding going forward was to step up my fucking game to a near-professional level. That wasn't it. Not. Even. Close.

It was forced and practically unwatchable. My writing felt contrived and uninspired. The only time it was even readable, was when I was bitching about shit that was pissing me off at the time.

When I quit my job at Dunkin' Donuts, I sorta decided to just kick back and enjoy life. It's been a LONG time since I've been able to just chill out for a month and not worry about producing anything or being somewhere for someone else. I got back to my roots.. Paving driveways, smoking weed, and listening to The Black Album on cassette. Fuck writing. I need some inspiration... And I had almost nothing to bitch about... But that didn't deter me from trying to entice Big Cat to get down to PMS for some recorded shenanigans... neither did his flat out fucking REFUSAL to drive to Alton to do so. I continued to chip away at that stone on a weekly basis, despite the constant resistance. So, take it easy with the finger pointing, Fuck Stain....

Lo and behold... When Furbush DID acquire himself full time employment again, it just so happened to be in the same restaurant AS Big Cat, StephyMac, and the mythical Dave Emeney... And I've been balls deep in learning how to be a server, and memorizing the ingredients of a rather extensive menu. So back off, man...
I'm not really interested in starting shit... Things are looking good for MAYHAM to resume production this week, and honestly, It's shaping up to be better than it ever was before. Think about it... All four of us.. Working at the the same restaurant... Waiting... in real time. The possibilities are fucking endless...

As for the blog...  I don't know about y'all... But it gets a little ridiculous to me to only have tributes to dead musicians and birthday celebrations on here... I'd much rather wait until either A. I have something to say (in a way that ONLY Furbush can), or someone else's shit inspires me so much, that if I didn't repost it HERE, I would be doing the public an enormous disservice...

I think that about covers it. Get some rest, Big Cat... MAYHAM resumes serious production this week... You're gonna need it. ;)

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